Barry Powless

NAME: Barry Powless
TEAM: Onondaga
– Member of Mann Cup Championship Team New Westminster Salmonbellies in 1981.
– Member of President Cup Championship teams with North Shore lndians in 1985 and Fergus Thistles in 1990.
– While a member of the North Shore Indians he attained the following awards.
– MVP Season 1981 & 1985, Most Sportsmanlike 1986 & 1987, Top Scorer in 1985.
– League First Team all star 1981, 1984 & 1987, MVP Playoffs 1984 and MVP Player in the Presidents Cup Tournament in 1981.
Ontario Lacrosse Hall of Fame & Museum
Lock 3, 1932 Welland Canals Parkway
St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 7C2